Equality Policies

The Gender Equality Policies for Teaching arise as an initiative of the Research Group on Gender Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and were approved on June 24th, 2015 by the University Assembly in use of the attributions conferred by Article 82 of the Statute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

The general objective of the proposed policies is to develop a culture and practice in the university community that promotes equality between men and women in the different strategic areas of the university, with special emphasis on academic training, the research and the university management..

Likewise, the proposed policies have the specific objective of promoting equal opportunities between male and female professors in the different academic units, eliminating discriminatory practices that affect both the career paths, academic participation and access to government as well as the well-being of women.

Below you can see, in a synthetic way, the central points of these policies.

With regard to training, the Gender Equality Policies for Teaching provide for the following:

  • Equal opportunities will be promoted between male and female professors in the admission to full-time ordinary teaching, promotion and participation in academic commissions, maintaining criteria of excellence that apply to the entire teaching staff.
  • Gender balance in the composition of faculty in academic departments will be promoted, with an emphasis on cases where women make up less than 20% of the faculty members.
  • Attention will be paid to the needs linked to maternity and care activities so that female teachers can reconcile the caring role and academic work. This initiative includes academic discharge and the choice of daytime hours for teachers with minor children, the implementation of the infant and baby changing facilities, as well as the expansion of the Sala Cuna.
  • Curricular and extracurricular activities will be developed that explicitly address gender equality issues, and female participation in masculinized careers will be promoted

With regard to research, the Gender Equality Policies for Teaching provide for the following:

  • A greater presence of women research professors in research competitions, the adoption of fair selection criteria that avoid gender discrimination and the incorporation of more women on external juries will be promoted.
  • Information on funds received by men and women will be systematized with the degree of compliance according to disciplines, as well as information on prizes and bonuses received by men and women.
  • A line of research on gender equality will be promoted.

With regard to management, the Gender Equality Policies for Teaching provide for the following:

  • An institutional culture aware of gender inequalities will be promoted, focused on generating respectful interpersonal relationships by combating the sexism present in daily life: this includes combating sexual harassment and discrimination based on sex, as well as incorporating a gender perspective in institutional communication and in the Directorate of Human Talent Management.
  • A greater presence of women will be promoted in government bodies such as the Rector’s Office, Dean’s Offices, Department Heads, the University Assembly and the University Council.
  • Monitoring and proposal-making bodies will be implemented, such as the Gender Commission and the Gender Observatory.