We would like to thank all the people who joined us at the Awards Ceremony of the "III Research and Gender Perspective Essay Contest, special edition: Gender, Inequalities and Development in the Andean Region" on October 7th by zoom. We also congratulate once again the winners for their excellent essays. During the ceremony we had the words of Dr. Patricia Ruiz Bravo, Director of the UNESCO Chair, and Dr. Narda Henríquez, Steering Committee trAndeS PUCP - FU Berlin. In addition, we had the speech of Caroline Weill, who won first place. The competition took place during 2021- 2022 and was co-organized by the UNESCO Chair for Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions and the trAndeS program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The winning articles will be published virtually in the coming months and congratulations again to the winners!