III Technical Committee of the Prevention Axis of the Project: “Strengthening prevention and justice in the face of gender-based violence against women”

Tuesday, April 19, the III Technical Committee of the prevention axis of the project “Strengthening prevention and justice in the face of gender violence against women” was held. The project is funded by the Unión Europea en Perú, #GIZ y AECID and has a duration of three years. The project components include the participation of Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables del Perú, Defensoría del Pueblo Perú, Ministerio Público – Fiscalía de la Nación del Perú, CLADEM Perú, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCPCámara de Comercio de LimaCalandria.
The project seeks to achieve a cultural change focused on the prevention of gender-based violence against girls, adolescents and women. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/aecidperuoficial

