UNESCO-PUCP International Conference on Gender: “Ecofeminist views to reverse the war against life (nature)”

On Tuesday May 31 at 10AM (Peru time) and 5PM (Spain time) will be held the International Gender Conference UNESCO-PUCP: "Ecofeminist views to reverse the war against life" by Yayo Herrero. She is a professor and researcher in political ecology, ecofeminisms and education for sustainability. The event is organized by the UNESCO Chair of Gender Equality in IES and the trAndeS- PUCP program. The trAndeS program is a joint initiative between the Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). The summary of the event is as follows: We are going through a deep structural crisis. At the origin of this crisis is the dissociation of economy and politics from the materiality of the earth and bodies. In this line, we will make an exhibition to understand how this war against life is produced and we will explore ways and paths to reverse it, taking as axes the synergistic proposals of environmentalism and feminism.

  • Registration:
  • For more information: catedraunesco@pucp.edu.pe/ trandes@pucp.edu.pe